It is here! The Foundation primer you have been waiting for! This goes on silky smooth and lays a beautiful base for your foundation or any face powder. You can also wear this alone. The foundation primer contains glycerin which will keep the oil in your skin and prevent breakthroughs and will also keep it from drying out if you have dry skin. This special formula also contains the healing mineral boron nitride. This mineral actually improves your skin and complexion as you use it! Your makeup will stay on all day long and you will have an airbrushed finish.
Ingredients: Purified Water, Glycerin, Organic Jojoba Oil, Squalane Oil, Boron Nitride, Olivem 800 ( emulsifier), Xanthan Gum ( co-emulsifier), Cosmocil CQ ( preservative) , Potassium Sorbate(food grade preservative)
1 oz. bottle